
shooting sch6

We planned to get as many shots as we could done in our media lesson, we found boxes and used the old, edited photos we made.

We found that the lighting worked well and that it suited theses certain scenes that needed re shooting better than when we filmed at Dawn’s house. On our previous day of filming, we tried to film the scene where one of the characters is taking a photo, pointing directly at the camera. When shooting this shot, we found that the camera that we used (Dawn’s) didn’t have a powerful enough flash for the video to pick up on, we thought about enhancing the flash’s brightness and to prolong it but in the end we decided to film this today and use a camera with a better flash. To do this we asked the photography teacher if we could borrow a camera and a flash to create a more powerful effect.

Due to us not being able to get hold of any fake blood before this day, we decided to get rid of shot 38 and extend the length of some of the other shots instead. After shooting shot 45 and looking back on it we decided it didn’t work as well as we planned. We used cutlery to throw at one of the characters in the trailer, to act as if something was being thrown at her and then smashing against the wall. We decided to use cutlery as we realized anything else would be dangerous and harmful.

The shots we filmed the this day were all successful and this was our final film trailer almost completed.

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